
Welcome to our blog

Welcome to Ros and John’s blog site for our trip from Cape Town to Cairo and then on to Abingdon in the UK.

It’s now mid July and we have already uploaded some details, so please have a read.  It will probably not be until we hit the road in early September that we add too much more.

To read the stories on the blog in the order we have loaded them you need to start at the bottom: the blog is in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry at the top.  This will be great once we are underway as the most recent photos and stories will always be up the top.

At the bottom of the screen you will see a FOLLOW tab.  Click on this and you will receive notification of our updates.

At the top of the screen as well as the Home page tab there is a tab for Iitinerary if you wish to know where we will be on any given day and a Route map so you can see exactly in Africa we are!

Thanks to everyone who has provided advice, disbelief, enthusiasm, reassurance and will kits! We are going to have a great time and look forward to letting you know all about our adventure.

Are you interested in finding out about the whole Cape Town to Cairo group? Click here to be taken to the Group site. http://www.classiccarclinic.com.au/cape-cairo/

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi John and Ros,
    I love your BLOG. Wishing you both health and safety but most importantly a wonderful trip.
    See you on your return.

  2. The adventure begins – and I’m thrilled I can follow you on the blog.
    Have fun, stay safe.
    Annette (from the hairdresser)

  3. I sat next to a couple on their Brisbane-Singapore-Johannesburg flight.. didn’t get their names, but to who ever it was.. I’m thrilled to see your journey is going well up .. and that all is on track.. and that all the vehicles are still going forward. I’ve subscribed.. so will be watching the journey develop.. happy and safe days to you all.. please wish the Qld couple (? names) well.. regards Jean Wethmar

  4. Hi Ros and John, 2nd Nov. great to read about your trip. I have enjoyed reading about your travels and your photos and comments. I still do not know how you are all making it in your MG’s. I have enjoyed all your photos. How is your golf swing? Reards Peter.

  5. wow
    I feel like I have just under gone a African geography class!
    enough material for a book & mini series
    Great that you are all safe..never did like donkey’s!

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